Thanks for your interest in becoming an iFetch training partner for the iFetch A Family program! We encourage you to review some of our training videos on our website before submitting an application.

We are hoping to find trainers who are already supporting shelters or rescue organizations in their area. If you are, please note that on your application. We’d also encourage you to let them know about the program, so we can pair you up and get a jumpstart on fetching their pups a family. If you’re not actively volunteering some of your services at a shelter, don’t worry. There are plenty of organizations in need of your help (and this program!).

Once you’re ready to dive in, please complete the following application as honestly and thoroughly as you can. We’ll review and get back to you within 5-7 days. Thanks in advance for helping us get this program off the ground.
advance for your kind consideration.

Fill out my online form.