Témoignages de iFetch Dogs et de leurs propriétaires

Last week it was raining and I was down with allergies. I was thankful to have my iFetch. Riley was pooped from playing without having to wear me out.
Chaity avec Riley
I got an iFetch this morning and have already taught my Border Collie to drop his ball in it when I say ‘iFetch’!
Alice Clark avec Bentley le Border Collie
Just got our iFetch a couple days ago and she loves it. Plays with it for hours. Thank you!
Brandon Alfred

Crusoé le teckel célèbre

Pour tout chien motivé par Fetch, ce jouet est une évidence !

le teckel célèbre

Best Purchase We’ve Made!
Allison Eagan avec Daisy et Miley teckels
Hello everybody! I recently got iFetch from my parents, I’m still learning but already loving it! When I sense it’s preparing to launch I get so excited, I almost can’t hold myself. 🙂 It’s the best toy for sure!
Enregistrez le bouledogue et Daniel le propriétaire
Thanks to the iFetch, now I don’t have to exhaust my mommy and daddy playing non-stop fetch with me. Now I can just exhaust myself and my BFF, Hamlet.
Penny le Boston Terrier

L'iFetch est ici. (Allemagne) Tiffany & Bond adorent y jouer… Tiffany est un vrai talent naturel…

Petra Koth avec Tiffany et Bond

November 8th was a year that we had our Rescue dog Gizmo and felt that was a special day our ‘Gotcha Day’ and wanted to give him a special gift and chose the iFetch. He loves it so much that we had to put it in our bed for three nights to get him to go to sleep. When he naps or rests it’s always with a ball and by his iFetch! We had to already order more balls! Great investment if you want your dog to get exercise! Don’t regret the price for it has been worth every penny! If anyone reads this I would encourage you to buy from the iFetch site not others and get their great Customer Service.
Gizmo – Les Poolsons, Pensacola FL
Just got our iFetch tonight. Our 4 year old Jack Russell Terrier, Whiskey Girl ABSOLUTELY LOVES IT!
Julie Frissel
Rocky our little yorkie has fallen in love with the ifetch. It’s a great toy to keep her busy when we don’t have the time to play with her. Every household with a dog should have one!
Gurpreet A.
avec Rocky le Yorkshire Terrier
Dewey le mélange Jack Russell/Chihuahua
I purchased an iFetch for my dog Yoshi and he is crazy about it. Thanks iFetch!
Vicki Rasmussen et Yoshi
Chorizo has been a ball and rock fetching fiend for as long as I can remember. It took us about 3 days to get him to use the iFetch consistently. He loves it!
Dino Eidson et Chorizo ​​le Teckel
Mowgli is obsessed with fetch. When I saw the iFetch I knew we had to have it. It’s great because it is a great way to release his energy throughout the day while I am busy. I would definitely recommend it!
Meredith Curry avec Mowgli
iFetch is simply one of the amazing gadgets for dogs! Thank you iFetch for making it a reality.
Catherine et Terence avec Lexi le teckel à poil long
Folks, This is one fantastic doggie toy. My Border Collie LOVES this thing.
Brian Duffy
My pup just got his and learned to use it in 2 hours.
Don Ramon avec Ninja le teckel
Arrived yesterday in Sydney. What a surprise! Let me just say…well done Hamill Family! Its a real credit to not only envision this product but to actually get it made and sent to customers worldwide. Congratulations!
John Davis